Hardening the Last Mile

Great read that we’d like to share!

by Mark Vanderbeek on January 9, 2017

The “Last Mile” refers to the last, local legs of communication that connect the user to the Internet. For universities and large businesses, this is the responsibility of the IT department. For most enterprises, dependency on the Internet has soared in recent history. Email has become the primary form of communication. Desk phones are almost all VoIP now. Instant Messaging, video conferencing, and desktop sharing have become indispensable tools.

The Cloud has further intensified this trend, with SaaS applications commonly being used for Sales, HR, ERP, File Sharing, Learning Management Systems, Marketing, Service Desk and an ever expanding list of other critical services……View full article here:


Cyber Security, Are You Really Secure?

Are you really secure?

2016-2017 Cyber Crime Costs are now projected to reach $2 Trillion per year

  • Cyber Security Bill for 2015: $75 billion spent, $300 billion lost
  • Three years ago, the The Wall Street Journal estimated that the cost of cyber crime in the U.S. was approximately $100 billion. The estimate disputed other reports which pegged the numbers by as much as ten times higher – Forbes
  • ‘Crime wave’ is an understatement when you consider the costs that businesses are suffering as a result of cyber crime. ‘Epidemic’ is more like it.
  • Cyber crime may be the single, greatest threat to every company in the world.
  • Grant Thornton, a global accounting advisory firm, has just released the results of their global survey on cyber security attacks. The total estimated cost of cyber security attacks over the past 12 months, in American dollars, is $315 billion. The findings are based on a survey of 2,500 international business leaders in 35 economies. Regionally, cyber security attacks cost Asia Pacific businesses $81bn in the past 12 months, while firms in the EU ($62bn) and North America ($61bn) are also counting the significant cost of attacks.

What can you do?

BRUNS-PAK has developed the most advanced, integrated cyber-security offering available to completely address hybrid-enterprise requirements




Cyber Security concerns? What can you do?

What can you do?

BRUNS-PAK has developed the most advanced, integrated cyber-security offering available to completely address hybrid-enterprise requirements

    • Close any IT & operational gaps where information leaks and compliance issues originate.
    • Proactively address threats from the outside – in, and more importantly, from the inside – out
    • Get detailed Analysis of Traffic Patterns and Device Activities
    • Identify Rogue applications
    • Protect electronic intellectual property
    • Detect statistical Anomalies
    • Assess and manage Enterprise Vulnerabilities
    • Stop Ransomware
    • Block internal access to and from non-business countries




How Reliable is your Data Center?

Good Afternoon! One of BRUNS-PAK’s goals is to share our Thought Leadership with our Clients and Potential Clients first and our industry. We can all agree that its important to understand where we are at in order to begin to plan where we need to go. One of our favorite resources is this simple Data Center Reliability Level Scale; a table that will help you pinpoint where your facility’s Data Center ranks. We are glad to provide you this starting point:


 This is a summary of BRUNS-PAK’s Reliability Scale. A more detailed breakdown of the architectual, electrical, mechanical, fire suppression, and security elements within the BRUNS-PAK 1-10 Scale is addressed in BRUNS-PAK’s initial consulting engagements.

Today, Mark Evanko presents “Data Center Enterprise Transformation 2017”

TODAY at AFCOM Data Center World, Mark Evanko presents “Data Center Enterprise Transformation 2017”
  • Tuesday, 04/04/2017: 1:15 pm – 2:15 pm
  • Room: 502B
  • Session Number:  IT13:
  • Description

The data center enterprise solution continues to evolve and transform in 2017. Learn the fundamental concepts underlying the transformation. What impacts the corporate/management decision of the data center solution? A vendor neutral overview of total cost of ownership vs. risk.

Data Center Enterprise Transformation 2017 Presentation

Hello! If you missed Mark Evanko present “Data Center Enterprise Transformation 2017” @AFCOM Data Center World or if you need a refresher, you are in luck! Over that next few weeks we will break down the parts of Mark’s presentation and share!

Below is the Intro and Agenda of the presentation.

Learn about the continued transformation of data center “solutions” in the year 2017 and beyond!

The presentation:

1) Defines the elements of the data center transformation.

2) Identifies the underlying factors of the cause of transformation.

3) Summarizes how risk and total cost of ownership impact the final decision.

I. The 2017 and Beyond Data Center Transformation

II. The Eighteen (18) Elements of the Comprehensive Data Center Solution

III. Evolving 2017 “Factors” Impacting the Data Center Transformation

IV. The Decision Process of Total Cost of Ownership vs. Risk (Short Term…Long Term)

V. Commentaries/Examples of 2016/2017

VI. Closing – Summary – Recap

Check back in for Part I, coming soon!

Part I of “Data Center Enterprise Transformation 2017” Presentation

PART 1: The 2017 and Beyond Data Center Transformation

1) Data center “business as usual” continues to transform in 2017 at an accelerated pace
2) Enterprise data center solutions look for the most:

  • Flexible/expandable/scalable data center
  • Maximum risk aversion
  • Continuous compliance
  • Cost effectiveness
  • Leveraging of the technology tools available and emerging
  • Minimization of personnel
  • Being best in class in a vendor neutral delivery
  • Zero (goal) downtime
  • *Financial/liability recovery to the enterprise

3) Types of data being directly categorized and mapped to compliance/security:

  • Type I, II, III, and IV  Production vs. test vs. development vs. DR

4) Dominating theme of 2017 and beyond:

  • Data security: Who maintains IT? Who is liable?
  • Compliance
  • Financial impacts
  • Cybersecurity

5) Why would board members, trustees, and/or government be concerned:

  • Gross negligence
  • SLA’s vs. recovery
  • Brand impact
  • Fiduciary responsibility
  • Recent (2016/2017) class action lawsuits

6) The role of 3rd party providers/partners:

  • Technical expertise/proficiency
  • Financial stability
  • Damages to be paid from a potential “event” – see contracts

7) Data breaches dominating 2016/2017 and beyond

8) The total cost of ownership opex vs. capex discussion

  • Trends 2017

9) Current 2016+ (Uptime Institute 2016 Survey):

  • 71%: Estimated percentage of all IT assets currently sitting in enterprise data centers
  • 20%: Estimated percentage of all IT assets currently sitting in colocation data centers (and growing)
  • 9%: Estimated percentage of all IT assets currently deployed in cloud

10)Transformative industries and their impacts:

  • Education remote
  • “Driverless” vehicles a) Personal b) Commercial
  • Banking
  • Food and delivery
  • Merchandise (brick and mortar)
  • Video conferencing vs. travel

Part II The first 3 of The Eighteen (18) Elements of the Comprehensive Data Center Solution. Facility Infrastructure, Energy Efficiency and Computer Hardware.

I. How do the “eighteen elements” combine to optimize the data center enterprise solution? – Total cost of ownership – Risk – Scalability – “Critical vs. non-critical” application data – Best Practices
II. The dominating theme of #10 – Communications/Network, #11 – Server Level Agreement, #16 – Legal Repercussions, #17 – Cybersecurity, and #18 – Compliance

1.Facility Infrastructure

  • A. Architectural
  • B. Civil
  • C. Electrical
  • D. Fire Protection (EPO Code Change) – Update NEC/NFPA vs. Factory Mutual
  • E. Mechanical – CFD Models
  • F. Security
  • G. Site
  • H. Structural
  • I. Geographic Regional Considerations… i.e. southwest hurricanes, west earthquakes, etc.

2. Energy Efficiency

  • A. ASHRAE 9.9 – Higher Inlet Temperatures  80° F  90° F  t of 20-25° F
  • B. Containment  Hot Aisle  Cold Aisle  Impact to people
  • C. DCIM  Gartner “Magic Quadrant”  Per data centre (UK) a. Reduction in costs b. Integration c. Valuable insights d. Increased productivity e. Environmental benefits 14Twitter:
  • D. CFD Models  Why  Updates
  • E. Submerged Data Center Solutions  Microsoft
  • F. Outside Air to Cool Data Centers
  • G. Virtualization of Servers
  • H. LEED – New Data Center Guidelines  Written to save “dollars” and be more green  Office of Management and Budget to create a strategy  DOE and EPA to study server and data center efficiency trends  New “data center energy practitioner program”  New “metrics”  Data center LEED guidelines – New – LEED v4 – October 2014 US Green Building Council (USGBC)
  • I. Unity (close to) Power Factors on UPS Systems

3) Computer Hardware

  • A. Higher Efficiency
  • B. High Performance Computing (HPC) Continues to Dominate
  • C. New Flash Storage
  • D. Water Cooled to the Chip in 2016 and Beyond
  • E. 52” Deep by 30” Rack!!!
  • F. Non-Uniform Cabinet Distribution
  • G. “Submerged” systems in cooling

Cloud, Disaster Recovery and Co-Location Highlight (Elements 4-6) from the Eighteen (18) Elements of the Comprehensive Data Center Solution

How do the “eighteen elements” combine to optimize the data center enterprise solution? – Total cost of ownership – Risk – Scalability – “Critical vs. non-critical” application data – Best Practices

4) Cloud

A. Managed services

B. Internal vs. external

C. Migration to the cloud

D. Migration Back?

E. Moves/adds/changes

F. Trouble shooting

G. True “partner” of equal financial stability

H. Downtime: Who Pays?

I. Security Breach: Who Pays?

J. Terms and conditions (Legal Beagles!!!) 2016+ in motion

K. Production vs. Test/Development
L. Applications Conducive to Cloud – General Common Platform – Candidacy

M. Where is My Data? Who Manages? Do You Care?

N. “New” 2016/2017 United States Legislation – “Company” Liability for Data

O. Speed to delivery of applications

P. The 2016 / 2017 contract language for cloud contracts

Q. Critical vs. non-critical data R. Moves/adds/changes S. Amazon, Microsoft, Google, etc. If Interruption – What is Impact?

5) Disaster Recovery

A. Downtime Tolerance – critical  None to 2 days

B. Synchronous Data Replication  Impact to Data Center Facility Infrastructures  Hardware, Software, Network, and Personnel Consideration

C. “100 Mile” Disaster Recovery vs. Multiple “Regional” Recovery Centers

D. Testing

E. Testing of Disaster Recovery Plan

F. Government Regulations for Uptime

6) Co-Location

A. Leased data center constructed space

B. Capex schedule of delivery minimized

C. ROI – see total cost of ownership – 4+?

D. Other tenants? – Impact of security – Dominating 2016/2017

E. Downtime: Who pays? – Dominating 2016/2017

F. Security Breach: Who pays? – Dominating 2016/2017

G. Terms and conditions (Legal Beagles 2016/2017!!!)

H. “New” 2015 United States Legislation – Progressing – Class Action Lawsuits

I. Financial strength of service providers – see Cushman Wakefield survey of “economics” 2016 report – DANGER!

J. Moves/add/changes

K. New 2015/2016/2017 “Internal” Self Funded Co-location “Lease” Data Center Solutions



Renovate? Expand? Collocate? Containers? Cloud?

Data Center questions??
Mark Evanko’s AFCOM 2017 Presentation is available on our website, all of the answers to your Data Center questions are here!

Data Center Project on the Horizon? RFI

We know many Data Center decision makers spend Summer Fridays researching on behalf of their future and pending Data Center projects.
Look no further, get your Data Center needs met and request info! Our form is meant to be thorough and gather key details so that we can get you key and timely information and help lead you faster towards your Data Center Solution. Here is the link to reach us at BRUNS-PAK!

Data Center Migration, Relocation, Reliability, Scalability and additional Elements

The Eighteen (18) Elements of the Comprehensive Data Center Solution, this week we feature Elements 7-10:

7) Migration / Relocation

A. Move existing or buy/lease new?

B. Asset swap outs – seed equipment

C. General hardware life cycle ± 3-4 years?

D. Maximize uptime

E. Multiple phases

F. Consolidation strategies

G. Physical cost vs. planning costs (Larger)

H. Impacts of the network

I. Move it? – Plan to migrate back? – Resume update!! DANGER!!–Bowling tournaments-Fly Fishing-General Retirement?

J. Risk of Move  Existing  Co-location  Cloud

8) Computer Software

A. Continues emphases on large scale corporate “procurement” effort to leverage one (1) license where possible

B. Production (Critical) vs. Non-Production Software

C. SPOF Consideration

D. Examples:  Patient Care  Pharmacy  Surgical  Banking  Stock Trading  Grading  Diagnostics

E. Data Analytics – TREMENDOUS! 2017 and Beyond F. Tier I-IV Applications – Candidacy

9) Modularity / Scalability / Reliability

A. Optimize  Computer hardware  Computer software  Telecommunication (network)  Facilities  Service level agreements  Disaster Recovery  Cloud/Co-location/Container Scale with growth!

B. Defray CAPEX/OPEX dollars until needed across the board

C. Scale without interruption D. Reliability past/present/future E. In house vs. outsource

10) Communications / Network – Dominating 2017 and Beyond – #1 Factor Dominating

A. Redundant / isolated paths?

B. Multiple carriers

C. Data breach? Who pays? Significant dominant focus 2016 / 2017

D. Data security? Who is responsible?

E. – Hillary Clinton Server – “Chinese and Russians have everything anyhow” – WOW! – Classified Top Secret Emails? – “Pokémon”

F. The power of the cloud – iPhone®

G. Impact of network loss

H. Who manages the network?

I. Dominating the news media 2016/2017


Copyright © 2016 BRUNS-PAK 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Data Center Service Level Agreements, Data Center Personnel and CAPEX vs. OPEX

The Eighteen (18) Elements of the Comprehensive Data Center Solution. Elements 11-13

11) Service Level Agreements

A. Internal vs. external (client) based

B. Government imposed guidelines/performance (i.e. HIPPA, etc.)

C. Co-Location / Cloud – 2016/2017 transformation – fine print – who pays? – how much? – damages (Legal Beagles 2016/2017!!)

D. What does 99.999 availability mean to me when “I go down?”

E. Example – 3rd Party Provider – Contract 99.999 (32 seconds?) – What if I go down – Your Risk!!!

F. See Part III

12) Personnel

A. Employee vs. contract personnel

B. Data Breaches

C. The Staffing Costs

D. Why Not Outsource?  Share Personnel Costs with Others  Share Benefits E. Wiki Leaks

13) CAPEX vs. OPEX

A. CAPEX – Capital dollars spent to build/deploy data center across (18) elements

B. OPEX – Operating dollar “expense” to financial statements – very attractive

C. New trend of internal “OPEX” data center solution 2016 / 2017 / 2018

D. Cloud/Co-location OPEX?

E. Migration Cost – OPEX

F. Relocation Cost – OPEX

G. Network (Recurring) Cost – OPEX

H. Seed Equipment – CAPEX or OPEX

Copyright © 2016 BRUNS-PAK 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Data Center Disaster Recovery Services

September 2017

Dear Data Center Decision Maker:

Today’s “data centers” run the gamut from traditional large-scale facilities for business computing to web-scale IT and cloud-based applications.  Think one design/build firm can’t handle all of your data center needs?  Think again.

BRUNS-PAK has been designing and building data centers for over 37 years.  And our services have kept pace with the changing face of your data center and the evolving IT needs of your business.   Our team of IT and facilities professionals provide a total technology solution.  We offer data center infrastructure evaluation, design, and implementation to deliver the secure, cost-effective, efficient, and scalable storage platform you need.  What’s more, we provide IT strategic planning and implementation services to provide the comprehensive support you need to ensure your technology investment is delivering exceptional business results.  You see, over the years we’ve learned that IT/computing/storage and the infrastructure needed to support them go hand in hand.

The bottom line?  BRUNS-PAK can help you get to the heart of your cost and performance concerns and create the secure, cost-effective, scalable enterprise your current and future IT operations depend on.  J&J, CVS, Dell, Darden Restaurants, CSX, Nielsen Media, University of Miami, Great West Life, Harvard University, Tyson Foods, and University of Virginia are just a few of our clients that have utilized our IT methodology and approach for their modular/scalable data center ‘hybrid” solution.  Our 37 years on the front lines of data center evolution enables us to work with you on any challenge:

·Need to ramp up or scale back your traditional data centers?  Check.

·Considering ambient air systems to decrease energy costs?  Let’s talk.

·Looking at a “hybrid” approach to decrease your operating costs and increase scalability and responsiveness?  We’ll find the mix that’s right for you.

·Need to understand the real, long-term costs associated with migrating all or specific workloads to the Cloud?  We can help.

·Want enhanced protection against data breach?  We’re on it.

·How about help mining your data and turning it into actionable business processes or new products or services?  Done.

Now more than ever BRUNS-PAK is equipped to help you create an enterprise that is agile, secure, and cost-effective.  Think about it.  Under one roof – with a total technology solution – we can provide you with IT planning and implementation as well as facility infrastructure planning, design, construction, and commissioning.  Working with BRUNS-PAK brings you reliable options, alternatives, and cost projections to support your decision making and a proven partner when it’s time for implementation.

To find out how the BRUNS-PAK total data center technology solution can support you, call Paul Evanko, VP of Sales and Marketing, at 732-248-4455/888-704-1400 or email us at pdevanko@bruns-pak.com.  We look forward to discussing your 2017 data center and IT strategy initiatives and supporting your IT/Facilities/C-level team in developing your optimized data center “hybrid” solution.